Black Widow: A Review

Alexa Di Palermo

After a long week of schoolwork and tons of no bones days, I think it’s important to do something to make us all feel good. Kick back,  pop some popcorn and watch a movie to get ready for another long week! This past weekend, I went to see the showing of “Black Widow” in Hunt Union. I can say that I recommend this movie! 

This movie is one in the Marvel series, which I normally do not watch, but I decided to give it a chance. I don’t like a lot of things, but this is a movie I could recommend. Marvel fans have been waiting for this movie for quite some time. It was supposed to release about two years ago, but the COVID-19 pandemic pushed back the release. It was good to see people excited about the movie and it motivated me to watch it! 

It helps if you have seen past Marvel movies , but the movie isn’t overly confusing if you haven’t.  From the beginning, it had my attention. The beginning was a little sad for me, seeing the kids in such distress. I was not sure why they had to run, but it was an adrenaline raiser. For the most part I was able to follow what was happening after, and the scenes filled me with adrenaline.  

I can say I genuinely believe Scarlett Johanssen did a phenomenal job as usual. She did a great job portraying the character to the audience. I may be biased considering I usually like any work that she is in and am a fan of her, but I don’t think I’m  too off here! 

My favorite part of the movie were the special effects. This movie portrayed plenty of scenes that were probably hard to film. I can say that everything looked real and kept me on my feet. I believe the realness of the effects is what raised my adrenaline the most. There was so much detail to everything!  

If there was one thing I could change about the movie, it would be the opening credits. They did show pictures and have relevance to the movie itself, but it felt ongoing, and they were annoying to sit through. Also, obviously, seeing sad children (I’m a soft and emotional person who loves kids, so it’s sad for me to see).  

If you were to ask me if I would recommend this movie, I would say yes. Especially for those like me who do not usually watch Marvel, it could be a good first peek into the movies. It had all the elements of a great movie and left the audience wanting more. 

If you’re looking for something to do on weekends, be sure to check out Corq and find the movie times for the Hunt Union movie theatre! Grab some popcorn, make some friends, and detach from the outside world for a few hours! 

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